Saturday, July 10, 2010


Lately I've had the strangest feeling With no even reason here to find But yet the thought of losing you's been hanging Around my mind Far more frequently you're wearing perfume And with you saying 'No special place to go' But when I ask, will you be coming back soon? Saying you don't know, never know More lyrics:

This is how I've been feeling lately... I feel like I'm losing people I don't want to lose and finding people I don't want to find. In my quest for success I meet so many people that I feel can add value to my life and I also meet people who take it away. Day by day stresses leave and some are added.

I've been conceptualizing my business plan and I really feel good about this business. I feel as though God has given me the ideas but is waiting on me to press the gas and GO! I have always felt as though I should be a wealthy person financially and this is how God is gonna do it I know it! I can't wait to start up and hit the ground running. I can't wait to make my own schedule so I can attend every function my daughter has and not have to say mommy has to work.

Is it higher education that can get you to where you need to be? Or is it drive and determination that gets us to where we want to be in life. More and more I am starting to feel my success will come from more of the unconventional route of drive and determination. I just have to step out on FAITH as the old people say.

I'm ready if you ask me I'm ready!!!! Time to do the Unthinkable!!! Thanks Alicia

1 comment:

  1. Great blog ticka leak.. add mine to your blogroll
