Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thinking vs. Doing

More and more day by day I grow to be bitter about my blessing of a job... there was time where I fooled myself that the financial industry was truely my calling but the older I become the more I begin to realize the importance of happiness. Happiness is defined to me as a mood and/or feeling brought about by oneself. Wealth or riches do not dictate happiness only the ability to buy THINGS and some peoples temporary followship (not sure if this is a word but you guys get my drift). My job is becoming the daily demotivator that crushes my creativity and my spirit. If I would have accepted my reality years ago I believe I would be in a totally different place in life; not where I am today. I don't want anyone to think I am ungrateful especially GOD I thank him for where I am but I praise him for where I will be. I am ready to pursue my passion and my dreams no longer do I want to day dream of where I could be now I am ready to be there. Time to do the unthinkable and if you ask my I'M READY!!! We only have one life and one opportunity to decide this is what I want to do with my life and I'm gonna do it!!! I am preparing myself for my leap of faith no longer waiting for someone to hold my hand and telling me its okay but letting go and saying thank you as I jump into the sea of the unknown. Who's coming with me???