Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thinking vs. Doing

More and more day by day I grow to be bitter about my blessing of a job... there was time where I fooled myself that the financial industry was truely my calling but the older I become the more I begin to realize the importance of happiness. Happiness is defined to me as a mood and/or feeling brought about by oneself. Wealth or riches do not dictate happiness only the ability to buy THINGS and some peoples temporary followship (not sure if this is a word but you guys get my drift). My job is becoming the daily demotivator that crushes my creativity and my spirit. If I would have accepted my reality years ago I believe I would be in a totally different place in life; not where I am today. I don't want anyone to think I am ungrateful especially GOD I thank him for where I am but I praise him for where I will be. I am ready to pursue my passion and my dreams no longer do I want to day dream of where I could be now I am ready to be there. Time to do the unthinkable and if you ask my I'M READY!!! We only have one life and one opportunity to decide this is what I want to do with my life and I'm gonna do it!!! I am preparing myself for my leap of faith no longer waiting for someone to hold my hand and telling me its okay but letting go and saying thank you as I jump into the sea of the unknown. Who's coming with me???


  1. LOVE IT! Go for it! You won't know until you get out there and if God say's YES then that's the only hand you need. I believe in you and know that every thing you have to give to this world is great! GO TIKI!

  2. This blog post was right on time.. im having those exact same thoughts! LEEEGGGGGOOOO!!!

  3. So proud of you! I can't wait to hear the final products. Your spirit will be blessed when you fulfill your passion! Stepping out in faith isn't easy or the most secure decision... but that's why they call it faith, right? love you, Tik!

  4. Thanks so much to Dori, Meik, and Rebekah for the words of encouragement. MUAH

  5. You are definitely in the right mind frame Cookie. You do whatever it is that makes YOU happy! Whatever you decide GOD will always be there for you! Love yah!

  6. What's up tic!?! Always remember that a God given opportunity is a gift, what u do with it is your gift back to him.
